School of Foot Zoning

Access Foot Zone Practitioner training with hybrid in-person and online classes, allowing you to learn and practice from any location.

Foot Zone Technique

Receive hands-on training for the foot zone techniques
and signals, along with reflexology protocols tailored for targeted treatments.

Anatomy and Physiology

This program delves deeply into the intricacies of the human body's anatomy and physiology, skillfully correlating and explaining how they relate to advanced foot zone techniques, elevating your proficiency to new heights.

Skillful Transition

Whether you're acquiring Foot Zone skills for personal use within your family or embarking on a journey to establish your own business, we are committed to equipping you with essential business insights and step-by-step guidance tailored to your current level. Our training encompasses both the application of foot zoning in a familial context and the strategic steps to launch and run a successful business in this field.



This school's objective is to empower individuals to attain proficiency as Foot Zone Practitioners through our
transformative education. Our aim is to extend the
benefits of foot zoning into more homes, nurturing a broad commitment to holistic well-being and healing.




Let us know if you'll be attending!